Aug. 14, 2009
Tell Congress to Make a Strong Public Option Available Now.
- We should tell members of Congress that 20,000 Americans are dying every year because the insurance companies care more about profit than they do about our health. Financially strapped Americans can't wait until 2011 to get the care they need. They need coverage now.
- Congress needs to pass a reform plan that guarantees that we can choose the public option.
- Restricted access means Americans who don't have adequate insurance coverage are one accident or illness away from premature death or financial ruin.
- Life time caps on coverage are a death sentence for people with costly health conditions like cancer. Congressional compromises that restrict access to a public option are an outrage.
- We can't dash hopes for real change by permitting lobbyists to write bills that force every American to buy coverage and then give an untrustworthy industry the power to continue unethical rationing that allows insurance bureaucrats to get between the patient and their doctor.
- H.R. 3200 as is would be a windfall for the health care industry that would mushroom costs to the Treasury.
- Speaker Pelosi has promised to allow an up-or-down vote on single-payer in September. The public will be allowed to hear the pros and cons of single-payer during the floor debate. It's time that the nation learns that the only plan that best controls cost is single-payer.
President Obama needs for all of us to get in the game to give him the support he needs to make real change.