Here is a list of people who need persuasion to vote for a strong public option.
Let's start with our Arizona Congresspeople.
The most important for us is Rep. Giffords, who wants as many calls as possible so she can point to constituents who want her to vote for the public option. Rep. Giffords has indicated she will support a public option in her Arizona Daily Star OpEd. Ask her to support a single-payer public option.
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords: (520) 881-3588
Rep. Harry Mitchell (480) 946-2411
Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick (520) 836-3226
Sen. John McCain (520) 670-6334
Sen. Jon Kyl (520) 575-8633
Here are others you can call across the country.
Sen. Evan Bayh (202) 224-5623
Sen. Max Baucus (202) 224-2651
Sen. Robert Byrd (202) 224-3954
Sen. Sue Collins (202) 224-252
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (202) 224-3841
Sen. Kay Hagan (202) 224-6342
Sen. Mary Landrieu (202) 2245824
Sen. Joseph Lieberman (202) 224-4041
Sen. Blanche Lincoln (202) 224-4843
Sen. Ben Nelson (202) 224-5274
Sen. Harry Reid (202) 224-3542
Sen. Olympia Snowe (202) 224-5344
Sen. Kent Conrad (202) 224-2043
Sen. Jeff Bingaman (202) 224-5521
Sen. Mike Enzi (202) 224-3424
Democratic Senate Finance Committee members Baucus, Conrad and Bingaman were joined by three Republicans, Snowe, Enzi and Grassley in the 'compromise' that takes the public option OFF THE TABLE.
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