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Friday, September 17, 2010

The Art of the Big Lie-- Attempted Billionaire Takeover of California a Cautionary Tale

26Dems Editorial Comment: The article below exposes the threat to democracy from a growing drift toward "totalitarian plutocracy" as super rich billionaires like Ebay CEO Meg Whitman arrogantly  throw their money around to drown the air waves with disinformation and propaganda, in an attempt to buy their way into the governorship of a powerful state like California.  Former HP CEO and outsourcing queen Carly Fiorina, endorsed by Sarah Palin is using her money to try to unseat Sen. Barbara Boxer to complete the corporate takeover of California. These tea party divas hide their true identity behind deceptive advertising. Neither woman represents the public interest; both get support from antagonists of women's rights.  


After the Citizen's United Supreme Court decision we are seeing unrestrained corporate spending on elections. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords identifies at least four shadowy front groups dumping money into CD8 to distort and attack her record.  Ernest Canning, guest blogger on the Bradblog tells the Meg Whitman story and brilliantly connects the dots to a many-fronted  faux populist 50 state campaign intent on smothering democracy by distorting our minds, silencing our voices and manipulating our elections.  
Whitman Refuses to Pull Deceptive Ad

By Ernest A. Canning, member of California State Bar
9/17/2010 12:07PM

Meg Whitman

Billionare-funded propaganda, magnified by corporate media failure, threaten democracy's survival...

"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes."-Mark Twain

One of the basic axioms of law is that fraud vitiates consent. One of the foundational principles of democratic governance is that legitimacy rests on the informed consent of the governed. Come November, those principles will be tested in California.

Billionaire Meg Whitman, a former EBay CEO who surpassed the $100 million mark in campaign spending nearly a month prior to the traditional Labor Day kickoff of the Fall campaign, who, by Sept. 16, had donated a record-smashing $119 million of her own funds to her campaign, who refused to meet with former California Democratic Governor Jerry Brown and Republican State Insurance Commissioner Steve Poisner in a pre-primary debate, has knowingly sought to fill the gaping knowledge deficit created by the corporate media's gross neglect of its fourth estate responsibilities with disinformation about Brown, her Democratic opponent.

When confronted by an analysis which exposed a powerful but deliberately deceptive ad (video below) which shows former President Bill Clinton accusing Brown of lying about his tax record based on a CNN report which is now known to be erroneous, Whitman's spokesperson, Darrell Ng dismissed the idea of pulling the deceptive ad as "ridiculous"...

Continue reading here. for the rest of the story including Dem. gubernatorial ad depicting Meg Whitman as Pinnochio.