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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Maddow: The Truth about the Lies Demonizing ACORN

26 Dems Editorial Note: The Republican propaganda machine has confused the public and landed serious blows to the reputation of ACORN, the community organizing group who helps poor people register to vote and fight predatory lenders.

ACORN was caught in a sting by two filmmakers, posing as a pimp and a prostitute in search of funding for their enterprise. The two were funded by right-wing friends who hunted workers across the nation to catch a few unsuspecting ACORN employees on tape.

ACORN became the target or "wedge issue" for Republicans because they were registering people likely to vote for Democrats. This latest scheme has resulted in the U.S. Congress defunding federal support for ACORN and now the Bank of America cutting all ties to the organization.

Rachel blames the media for buying into the FOX news noise machine that unjustly framed ACORN.

WATCH these VIDEOS to deprogram FOX lies and learn the FACTS.