Health Justice Alert:
Through a combination of luck, skill and prescient pessimism, we have discovered what we believe to be the content of Obama's speech on Wednesday. Many of you are aware of the health insurance concept of 'pre-authorization." Note that the content of the Obama speech, if we are correct, has been pre-authorized by Karen Ignani and the DeathEaters at AHIP (America's Hellth Insurance Pirates.)
Click here for what we believe President Obama will propose on Wednesday.
Of course, the President will probably dress up the content in his own rhetoric, but we at HealthJustice expect the substance to remain largely unchanged.
If you would like to change the course of history ... please send another fax to the President and your Congresspeople urging single payer Medicare For All. Here is the quick and easy link to the fax.
Here is a link to all the other quick and easy faxes, all urging single payer Medicare For All in one way or another. Send them all. It's f ree, it's simple, it's just a couple of clicks.
Personalize Your Message
Here's an example from 26dems
Dear President Obama and Legislators:
People in the America I know want to hear a heart-rending passionate speech that delivers real relief now, not five years from now while experts continue to study statistics.
They want to hear that our President believes that health care is a moral commitment.
People with chronic conditions cannot be expected to have patience. Their lives are on the line. Many will be dead before they can get the care they need. It is time to end this inhumane situation that affects everyone in America, those who have insurance plans that make false promises and then bails out when they have to pay, and those who can't afford the ridiculously high premiums.
Listen to Bill Moyers. We need health care champions. It is time to fight, not to engage in a futile debate with people who have nothing to lose and everything to gain to keep their profit system that is killing Americans. If Democrats don't stick to their guns, the people won't have reason to hope that anything will ever change.
Please don't steal hope. Just any bill to solve political issues will tell the people that Democrats aren't strong enough to deliver on their promises.
Why is it that the industry is given the benefit of the doubt all the time? Because they supply experts and experience? Ask yourselves what do they do best? It's not in delivering healthcare. Private payers sacrifice health for profit. We cannot trust them to do what is best for us. Why not give the American people a break? Hear their pleas and then take strong decisive action now.