In 2007 St. Luke’s Health Initiative surveyed Arizona doctors about their attitudes toward the need for reforming health care. Only about 8% of doctors who responded indicated they were very familiar with proposed reforms to the healthcare system. Click on the report here
Only 11% of doctors surveyed felt that only minor changes were needed in a system that generally works pretty well. 69% supported significant changes, while 19% supported a complete restructuring of the healthcare system. The survey concluded that “Clearly Arizona physicians agree that substantial change in the healthcare system
is needed.”
Physician attitudes divided along party lines. Among Republicans just 12% would support restructuring the healthcare system, compared to 27% of Democrats and 25% of Independents.
In general, the study reported, that physicians are less likely to see any need to overhaul the system constrasted with the general public or health policy leaders.
A hot-button issue for physicians is liability and many see tort-reform as a solution to the threat of lawsuits. Dr. Jonathan Weisbuch, one of the leaders of the Arizona healthcare reform movement stated recently three reasons why H.R. 676, the Single-Payer bill sponsored by Rep. John Conyers that has 78 cosponsors, including Arizona Democratic Members of Congress,Raul Grijalva and Ed Pastor, would address the liability issues physicians fear.
- 1. The on-going medical costs of the tort will not have to be covered;
- 2. The continuing primary doctor/ patient relationship built on trust, friendship, a long term relationship, and even love will reduce the tendency to sue every time the outcome does not meet the expectations of the patient; and
- 3. Under single payer, one set of standards for care will be promulgated -- providers who demonstrate that they practiced within the standards will not be sued because no lawyer would challenge the standards that have been universally developed with both patient and medical, clinical and scientific, inputs. See The Role for HR 676 in Tort Reform: Three Reasons HR 676 Will Help Physicians and Other Providers
Physician support for health care reform is growing in Arizona. Rep. Phil Lopes, (D) Legislative District 27 introduced Single Payer Legislation, HB 2188, the Arizona Health Security Act on January 20, 2009. Link: Click here to read the text of the bill.
The Arizona Chapter of the Physicians for National Health Program has launched a full-scale lobbying effort for a national single-payer health insurance plan through the AZCSNHP, Arizona Coaltion for for a State and National Plan.
The Arizona Coalition is a growing group of doctors, nurses, citizens, and affiliate organizations that are helping to educate the Arizona community about the need for a universal health plan. Two outstanding Arizona physicians are prominent single-payer advocates who lead the group. Contact: Dr George Pauk and Dr. Jonathan Weisbuch.
Listen to a 1 hour discussion with Arizona’s own national expert on healthcare reform. Dr. Jonathan Weisbuch, M.D. M.P.H. Dr. Weisbuch speaks at length with host Cynthia Black about why we need a single payer plan.
For audio click on the picture below.
NATIONAL UPDATE: WATCH VIDEO. MSNBC's Ed Schultz advocates for a seat at the table for supporters of single-payer healthcare. He talks with Dr. Margaret Flowers who was among 13 who were eventually arrested after speaking out at Senate Finance Committee hearings chaired by Sen. Max Baucus, (D MT).
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