"Along these lines, I attended a very interesting legislative tour of Sierra Vista's own Fort Huachuca last Friday so I could better understand how this army intelligence base contributes to our nation's security and our local economy. Most of the attendees were Phoenix-based Republican members, although Paradise Valley Democrat Eric Meyer and I greatly appreciated the experience.
The most interesting part of the meeting was the luncheon hosted by the Huachuca 50, a group of predominantly Republican business leaders who are dedicated to supporting and preserving the base. Several of their members, most of whom were also retired colonels, got up in front of us and repeatedly implored us to not just preserve, but also increase the amount of funding we provide for public education in Arizona.
They explained to us that the first thing the Defense Department looks at when considering the future of a mission or whether to close a base is the quality of the schools. They explained that the Fort has more than 250 high-wage positions unfilled because they cannot find Arizonans who are skilled enough to be hired, and they blame that on lack of legislative support for our education system.
Senator Al Melvin (R-Oro Valley) got up at the Q&A session and lectured us all that we are funding our schools just fine. He offered as proof that even though we are last in the country in funding, we are still 31st in the country on achievement tests. So he suggested we celebrate that fact as proof that we excel.
Rep. Ray Barnes (R-Phoenix) blamed "teachers unions" for making legislators look bad, as he suggested that Republican legislators are already doing everything they can to help fund public education.
Overall, although the majority legislators may not have listened too carefully, these retired colonel / business leaders were the best possible messengers giving the best possible message to the right people in the right context.
We need more Republican business leaders to stand up just like these folks did, and like the Southern Arizona Leadership Council did when they came out in favor of education funding and against the suspension of the education equalization property tax.
Luckily, there was a reporter at this luncheon, so you can read the Sierra Vista Herald's report at their website:
Meanwhile, the anti-education all-cuts-and-gimmicks majority budget continues its march onward, although we still hear that there are not enough votes on the floor to pass without very serious changes.
And we still have not heard anything from the Governor, who seems determined to stay on the sideline despite our desperate need for leadership from the ninth floor right now."
Please continue to entreaty the Governor to present a detailed budget proposal, and do it now. You can call her toll-free line at 1-(800) 253-0883.
Thanks for speaking out so your voice of reason can bring a better version of this state,
Steve Farley
Arizona State Representative, District 28
Policy Leader, House Democratic Caucus
Ranking Member, Transportation Committee
Ways & Means Committee
Capitol office: 602-926-3022
Tucson office: 520-398-6000
Official email: sfarley@azleg.gov