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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Nancy Altman on deficits and Social Security, Alfie Kohn on education

CounterSpin (7/2/10-7/8/10)

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This week on CounterSpin: a special look at two issues that seem to bring out the worst in the corporate media. First up, the deficit. Worrying about the budget deficit is a corporate media staple, so President Obama's deficit commission must appear a godsend. Early reports are that Social Security cuts, another media obsession, have become the commission's main focus. Somewhat tellingly, the commission has announced that it will not be reporting on its recommendations until after the November elections. We'll talk about the President's commission, social security, public opinion and the media, with Nancy Altman, the co-director of Social Security Works, and author of The Battle for Social Security: From FDR's Vision to Bush's Gamble.

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Also this week: If you try to follow the media discussion of education policy, it tends to be black and white—there are reformers on one side, teachers unions on the other. There are calls to Leave No Child Behind and get all schools to Race for the Top. Right-wing foundations and think tanks have steered this conversation right where they want it, emphasizing things like achievement, accountability, school choice and so on. Critics of what's labeled "reform" are rarely heard in a media system that emphasizes the need to get tough on teachers. We'll be joined by author and education expert Alfie Kohn to talk about that.

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