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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Giffords Stands Against Kelly, One of Salon's 10 Most Terrifying Would Be Congressmen

The 10 most terrifying would-be congressmen

Slide show: One may have dry-fired a gun near his ex-wife, another may have gotten away with murder


Jesse Kelly (Arizona, 8th District)

Jesse Kelly (Arizona, 8th District

In March, John McCain's spokesman declared that the Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) is "backed by white supremacists, neo-Nazis and anti-Semites." Evidently, that view is not shared by Jesse Kelly, the GOP hopeful who is now running neck and neck with Democrat Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Arizona's 8th District. Kelly has embraced ALIPAC's endorsement and signed the ALIPAC pledge to "use the full power of my office, including impeachment if necessary" to secure the U.S. border.

The Anti-Defamation League agrees with McCain. "White supremacists and racist skinheads have encouraged their followers to engage in activity on behalf of ALIPAC," the ADL charged last year. The ADL has shown how ALIPAC President William Gheen portrays illegal immigrants as criminals who carry infectious diseases.

Message from Gabrielle Giffords

Yesterday Salon.com named my opponent as the #1 Most Terrifying Would-Be Congressman of the 2010 election cycle.  Trust me...it's not because of what he's planning to wear on Halloween.
Here's what we know about Jesse Kelly: he has repeatedly called for privatizing and eliminating Social Security; he promises that if elected he will eliminate the Department of Education, cutting over $1 billion from Arizona public schools; and now he states that  "it's our job to protect ourselves" from food contamination like the recent salmonella outbreak.   These are serious times for our country and we need leaders with logical solutions to the problems that we face.  The dangerous rhetoric presented by my opponent is truly scary.
Can you give $250, $100 or $50 now to ensure that the nightmare of an extreme right-wing agenda representing us doesn’t become a reality?
There is less than one week left until Election Day and I need you today.  This is our last chance to knock on doors, make phone calls, and remind our supporters to get out and vote.  We need to give it our all and your help is more important than ever.  Why? Because the alternative is too frightening to consider.
Thank you again!

Sincerely yours,

P.S.  There is nothing scarier this fall than the prospect of my opponent's dangerous agenda representing us in Congress.  Your contribution of $50, $100 or $250 today will make all the difference in ensuring we are successful next Tuesday!