Directed by and Starring Josh Tickell
Given the catastrophe in the Gulf, this film is as timely as it comes. We screened it when it came out in the theaters, and it is an inspiring story of one young man who drove a biodiesel van around the country to educate Americans about alternatives to oil, only to realize that biodiesel fuels have their drawbacks too. Ever the optimist, he comes up with potential alternative fuels that could offer limitless energy.

"IMPRESSIVELY COMPREHENSIVE"..."FUEL" is a vital, superbly assembled documentary that presents an insightful overview of America's troubled relationship with oil and how alternative and sustainable energies can reduce our country's -- and the world's -- addictive dependence on fossil fuels."
- Gary Goldstein, LOS ANGELES TIMES And here is the rest of it.
Read more Buzzflash.com's review.